Whew...what a day we had! I am still feeling it, sore muscles...aches and pains here and there. :) Saturday, my husband wanted to take us to one of his favorite fishing holes. We've all been there before, but it's been a couple of years...oh how time makes you forget things sometimes. This favorite place is called "Canyon Creek". The first clue should have been the CANYON part of that name. :) It was a very steep canyon....strait down or up depending on if you were at the top or at the bottom. I could do this! Right?
Umm....sure I could. :) This picture does NOT do this climb justice...it was MUCH longer than this appears and climbing out was literally done on my hands and knees. :) So much fun!

It was beautiful though! This is a calm part of the creek, there were rapids and waterfalls not far from this spot. The kids enjoyed their time fishing and getting wet on this warm day, I just enjoyed watching them and taking pictures of the beauty of the creek and my family fishing together. Such fun! I did find myself missing our oldest boy though. It's hard to get used to him not being here with us all the time, I'm not ready for this stage of life with my kids. So, our Marine was missed...I'm sure by all of us.
The kids did well fishing. Many fish were caught and released because they were too small, but several were brought home for our dinner. A fun day, full of memories, for sure! The getting out of the canyon was harder than getting in and I was seriously wondering if this mama could make it! My ever patient husband kept pace with me...not a hard thing as I am a slow climber...making
sure I didn't fall back down into the canyon. My hero! :)

I love having time with my family, spending days like this make for some really fun memories for all of us. Life can be so busy, we can be so focused on the "task of the day" that we miss special moments sometimes. I didn't miss many this day. :)

Oh what fun!! I know - I struggle with remembering the special moments in the midst of the task at hand. I love summer because I tend to give myself permission to take those special moments. Have a great day!
momoflots, you are right, summer is a great time of year to enjoy those special moments and also for making them. I have made it my goal to enjoy more and worry about the tasks less. After all, this job of wife and mom IS an investment in my kids...they are only under our roof for a short time, I don't want to miss a moment with them, or a chance to show them how to love their family! Thanks for stopping by. :) Have a great day!
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