Can you believe that 2010 is coming to a close? I am just amazed at how quickly this year has gone. My husband and I sat and watched the morning news before he went to work this AM. They did a "recap" of big news making stories of the year and you know what, there were very few "happy" stories to be told. Not a very positive look back to our year, that is for sure. So sad that the focus this year was on so much sadness, devastation and heartache around our nation and the world.
What about the happy days, the good things, the blessings, the acts of kindness and amazingly wonderful stories? WHY does the media insist on focusing on the horrible sadness that consumes the airways? Sure, it's been a really tough year, it's been a tough several years. Has it all been horrible, bleak and hopeless?
Not in my house? We have been continually blessed. We've seen growth in relationships and watched our family come together in a tough season to see a better tomorrow. Are we alone? Is my family outside of the norm? Obviously we are not...just read a few blogs or talk to a few people that CHOOSE to be thankful.
I think that is key, choosing to be thankful, going out of our way to look past the struggle and see the many blessings that we do have even in the midst of trial. This has been a tough year, I won't lie. I am thankful to see the struggles of this year behind us. I know they are far from over, this world has just changed too much and struggles are all around us, but my hope is NOT in this world. It's in my heavenly Father who sees all, knows all, and provides for all.
So, this "Thankful Friday" post is not my typical thankful post. There is just too much that I could share BECAUSE I choose to be thankful, I choose to put my hope in the hands of the only One that can truly effect change or bring peace to my weary mind. If I were to stand on my own power, try to get through these hard times with my own strength, I'd be just like the media...hopeless. My hope, my peace, my thankfulness, my joy, my future rests in the hands of the Lord.
Happy New Year my friends! Make 2011 the year you CHOOSE to be thankful. The year you CHOOSE to hope. The year you CHOOSE to have peace. The year you CHOOSE to have joy. All in the midst of the storm. Having all of those things in the calm places of life is easy, the test is when you can have all of those things in the midst of your storm.
Praying for a wonderful new year for you and your families.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:11-14
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year!!
New Year,
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas blessings!
Our family enjoyed many relaxing evenings watching our favorite Christmas movies, looking at the lights on our tree and spending time with family and friends. I often had crocheting in my lap during these family evenings, making hats for nephews and our niece, or making folded fabric ball ornaments that would be added to gift bags for family members. I kept busy with hand work and such, but enjoyed time with my family at the same time.
Brandon asked for one big thing this year...a shot gun. He LOVES hunting and even just target practicing. It was the perfect gift for him this year. The look on his face was worth it all...he was thrilled!
simple things
Monday, December 27, 2010
All together!
In this photo, from left to right: Alyssa (daughter), Jenny (my sister), Dad, Mom, Wade (hubby), me, Dylan (3rd son), Anthony (1st son) and Brandon (2nd son).
This Christmas, my whole family was together for Christmas. This is the first time in 5 years that we have all be in one place for Christmas and it was such an amazing day. We had so much fun playing cards, playing the Wii, eating tons of goodies and good food, visiting about our lives and just enjoying the time together. Such a blessing this year, my sister was here and we had a great time reconnecting! I've missed her. :)
So many blessings from this Christmas season, this is just one. Praying you all had wonderful blessings this Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Are you ready?
This week is a full week for much to do to be ready for Christmas. I've still got sewing to do, knitting, jewelry making, crocheting and baking to do. Thankfully I am not stressing, not worried. What needs to get done, will be done. If it doesn't, that's OK too.
My focus this year has been to simply enjoy the season. Enjoy time with family and friends. Soak up the true meaning of this season and the "who" that is on my list, not the "what". After all, it's not about the "stuff", it's all about the people that the "stuff" is supposed to be for. Right?
So, while I'm crocheting, knitting, baking and sewing....I'm soaking up the time with my family and friends. THEY are my focus, not the task at hand. Not the never ending list of "things".
How about you? Is your focus on the "what" on your list? Are you able to look past it all to the "who" that truly matters most?
My kids asked me the other day what my favorite Christmas gift ever was. You know, I could think of several gifts I'd received, but nothing that really stood out as my "favorite". What I remember more are the moments, the laughs, the special memories of family and friends. Watching my kids excitement on Christmas morning, reading the account in the Bible of the birth of Jesus, singing Christmas carols at church, baking cookies and blessing my family with special treats. That is what I remember more than the gifts I received.
Enjoy this time with your family, friends and loved ones. Remember to focus on the REASON FOR THE SEASON!
My focus this year has been to simply enjoy the season. Enjoy time with family and friends. Soak up the true meaning of this season and the "who" that is on my list, not the "what". After all, it's not about the "stuff", it's all about the people that the "stuff" is supposed to be for. Right?
So, while I'm crocheting, knitting, baking and sewing....I'm soaking up the time with my family and friends. THEY are my focus, not the task at hand. Not the never ending list of "things".
How about you? Is your focus on the "what" on your list? Are you able to look past it all to the "who" that truly matters most?
My kids asked me the other day what my favorite Christmas gift ever was. You know, I could think of several gifts I'd received, but nothing that really stood out as my "favorite". What I remember more are the moments, the laughs, the special memories of family and friends. Watching my kids excitement on Christmas morning, reading the account in the Bible of the birth of Jesus, singing Christmas carols at church, baking cookies and blessing my family with special treats. That is what I remember more than the gifts I received.
Enjoy this time with your family, friends and loved ones. Remember to focus on the REASON FOR THE SEASON!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thankful for Friday!
This week's list of things I'm thankful for is simple...It's been a LONG week! So much to be done, so much left to do and so very much on my heart and mind.
God has been SO faithful, even when I am not. So amazingly faithful in so many ways, too many ways to list. The biggest event of our week was a fender bender that I was in on Thursday afternoon. Thankfully, God protected us and everyone was totally fine. My new Yukon (new to us just before Thanksgiving) is not so new any longer. Not so pretty and I am not so thrilled about it all. BUT through it all I have remained thankful.
Merry Christmas!!!
God has been SO faithful, even when I am not. So amazingly faithful in so many ways, too many ways to list. The biggest event of our week was a fender bender that I was in on Thursday afternoon. Thankfully, God protected us and everyone was totally fine. My new Yukon (new to us just before Thanksgiving) is not so new any longer. Not so pretty and I am not so thrilled about it all. BUT through it all I have remained thankful.
- Thankful for the Lord's protection.
- Thankful for my amazingly understanding and supportive husband.
- Thankful for my 16 year old son who stood by my side the whole time I talked with an upset driver, upset with me for hitting him and rightfully so.
- Thankful for our amazing insurance company who has made this whole process so much easier than I ever expected it to be. Even understanding when I tearfully told them about the accident and all that occurred at the time of it...even unnecessary information that they didn't need..just my silly unloading rant.
- Thankful that my car is repairable and no permanent damage was done.
Merry Christmas!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Rain, Rain....turn to snow!
Happy Monday! I am completely shocked that it's Monday already, how did that happen? We had a VERY wet weekend here at Tanglewood Hills. The whole Pacific Northwest was rather soggy this weekend. I haven't heard any official rain totals, but the forecast on Saturday was for 3 inches of rain in Portland. While we are not in Portland, much of our weather comes from there. I would not be surprised one bit to hear that we exceeded that total. So much rain fell on Saturday! We were all wishing the rain was snow...we are all ready for a good winter storm here. Snow would be a welcomed way to start our Christmas season next week...we are praying. :) I know that those of you in the mid west who are experiencing major snow events are thinking I'm nuts. Snow is just a welcomed and rare event here most years.
We were snug and cozy in our friend's home. Saturday was our cut and wrap day for our steer. He was a big boy! We split him with our friends, something we've done the past three years or so. Doing it all ourselves from the kill to the cut and wrap has saved us a lot of money. We spend a day getting the meat all processed and ready for the freezer. I am SO thankful to have this meat in our freezer. Between the beef and the chickens we butchered a few weeks ago, we are going to have plenty of meat to see us through the next few months. YAY!
This is the last week before Christmas break and it is going to be crazy! Between parties, activities and events for the kids I'll be doing a lot of baking. Bread baking, a bit of fudge, cookies and maybe some cinnamon rolls. The rest of the week will be busy making scones, cookies and other goodies for the kids to share at their events and parties this week. I also have some craft type things to work on and a party for co-op to to plan crafts for. All fun and good stuff, but makes for busy days for this mama. :)
Praying you all are having a wonderful week. Find ways to enjoy this season and not be so wrapped up in the "to do list", I'm talking as much to me as anyone. It is SO hard to not focus on the "to dos" of the day and not on the "who" you are doing it all for. My pastor yesterday shared that very thing and it really hit home with me. So, even though I am SO super busy this week, my focus is on the "why" of it all. I want to enjoy the baking, the time with my kids and why I'm working so hard this week. We are SO blessed, I LOVE this season and I am SO thankful for all that we have.
Have a wonderful week!
We were snug and cozy in our friend's home. Saturday was our cut and wrap day for our steer. He was a big boy! We split him with our friends, something we've done the past three years or so. Doing it all ourselves from the kill to the cut and wrap has saved us a lot of money. We spend a day getting the meat all processed and ready for the freezer. I am SO thankful to have this meat in our freezer. Between the beef and the chickens we butchered a few weeks ago, we are going to have plenty of meat to see us through the next few months. YAY!
This is the last week before Christmas break and it is going to be crazy! Between parties, activities and events for the kids I'll be doing a lot of baking. Bread baking, a bit of fudge, cookies and maybe some cinnamon rolls. The rest of the week will be busy making scones, cookies and other goodies for the kids to share at their events and parties this week. I also have some craft type things to work on and a party for co-op to to plan crafts for. All fun and good stuff, but makes for busy days for this mama. :)
Praying you all are having a wonderful week. Find ways to enjoy this season and not be so wrapped up in the "to do list", I'm talking as much to me as anyone. It is SO hard to not focus on the "to dos" of the day and not on the "who" you are doing it all for. My pastor yesterday shared that very thing and it really hit home with me. So, even though I am SO super busy this week, my focus is on the "why" of it all. I want to enjoy the baking, the time with my kids and why I'm working so hard this week. We are SO blessed, I LOVE this season and I am SO thankful for all that we have.
Have a wonderful week!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thankful For Friday!
So much to be thankful for, so much I could share, so much I could ramble on about....but won't. Today I am SO thankful for the blessings the Lord has given to us...
- My family
- My hard working man that does all he can to provide the very best for our family
- Friends near and far, in real life and online, that help me see things in new ways, and give me food for thought. Friends that listen, don't judge, love me for who I am and where I am and pray for me and with me to become the wife and mom I so desire to be.
- This season of remembering the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The baby that came and changed this world and that continues to change our world.
- The many military men and women who serve our country, away from family and friends this season. Men and women that won't have time around the tree with their loved ones, who will be and are fighting for our freedom and way of life. The sacrifice of not only the one in uniform but also the families that they leave behind that continue on with life...missing their loved ones, holding down the fort and keeping the home fires burning.
- Time to give thanks, show appreciation and remember the many blessings we have.
- The fire burning in the wood stove that warms our home.
- The lights on the tree, that give off a warm glow in the evening.
- YOU...for visiting this blog and sharing my life here. I am blessed!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thankful for Friday!
Hooray for Friday! Do you feel that way? I don't know why, but I just love Friday. :)
This week, as always, I have so much to be thankful for. We are truly blessed! So, this week I am so thankful for:
This week, as always, I have so much to be thankful for. We are truly blessed! So, this week I am so thankful for:
- The reason for this wonderful season...Jesus Christ! His birth changed the world!
- My husband's job, we are truly blessed to have him still working. God is providing for us in ways that never cease to amaze me!
- My jobs, even if I'd love to not have to work, at least I know it is another way that the Lord is providing for us.
- Our home, warm and cozy.
- A full pantry and nearly full freezer. We butchered our chickens a week ago and have many tasty meals ahead. Our steer will be butchered in the next couple of weeks also and we'll have plenty of meat to see us through the rest of the year and into the spring and summer.
- My marriage, I am continually reminded at how wonderful my marriage is. I am blessed beyond measure to have such a wonderful relationship with this man. We had struggles early on in our marriage, but we are closer now than I ever thought we could be.
- My kids, amazingly smart and hard working. We all have our days, but I love them, they are a true blessing!
- Our place here and all of the projects that seem to never get finished. It is ours and we are living our dream.
- Friends and family that make my days so much more meaningful and rich!
- The chance to spend a day shopping with a dear friend that I don't get to see often enough. She is in town for the weekend and is making a day to spend with me. I love it!! :)
A Baby Changes Everything - Faith Hill
When I found this video on You Tube, I had to share it to go along with my blog post for today. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Brings a bit more "emotion" to the season for me, being a mom and knowing how it feels to bring a baby into this world. How hard it is to give birth and then the love you feel at the first glance of that precious baby.
A baby changes everything...
Are you feeling like time is just flying by? Perhaps feeling overwhelmed by all that needs to be done before Christmas? That is EXACTLY how I have been feeling, all the while knowing that I didn't want to feel that way. That I wanted to be able to relax and enjoy the season. Oh sure, I've had a few moments here and there where I allowed myself that simple pleasure. Then I'd realize that my "To do list" was backing up and I was, once again, behind!
What a horrible cycle to be caught in. Then I read a wonderful blog post from Christine at Joy of 8 that reminded me that there are more important things to focus on. Call it my "Duh" moment. I KNOW all of this...nothing she said was "new" to me. WHY do we let the daily life, the "important" tasks of this life get in the way of what our hearts know to be true? That, I don't know, but once in a while we all need the reminder of the "why" of the season and the "who" of the season.
It's not about the tree, the decorations, the hustle and bustle of the shopping malls and department stores. It's not even the cutting line at the fabric store or the yard that is waiting to be knitted into something wonderful for someone wonderful. It's not the candy and goodies that everyone associates with the Christmas season.
It IS about the savior that came to bring hope and light to this dark world. His coming did not promise an easy road, but hope at the end of it, a promise of a heavenly home with him at the end of our journey. This season is a celebration of this baby's coming, Jesus birth brought about a change in history like no other!
I have often thought about how Mary must have felt. Did she truly grasp the weight of her roll in history? Did she truly understand that this little baby would change the world? I've been blessed to have given birth to four children. Looking back, when I looked into that new little face after they were born, I could not even fathom how their lives would be, how they would grow and mature. I like to think that Mary KNEW that this baby would change the world.
Having a baby changes your life, having a baby that you know will grow up to be the savior of the world would be an incredibly overwhelming feeling, I think. Don't you? Perhaps she really didn't understand the whole extent of her roll in this little baby's life. I don't know, but that is one of many questions I can't wait to ask when I get to heaven. :)
Merry Christmas and remember to celebrate the true meaning of the season!
What a horrible cycle to be caught in. Then I read a wonderful blog post from Christine at Joy of 8 that reminded me that there are more important things to focus on. Call it my "Duh" moment. I KNOW all of this...nothing she said was "new" to me. WHY do we let the daily life, the "important" tasks of this life get in the way of what our hearts know to be true? That, I don't know, but once in a while we all need the reminder of the "why" of the season and the "who" of the season.
It's not about the tree, the decorations, the hustle and bustle of the shopping malls and department stores. It's not even the cutting line at the fabric store or the yard that is waiting to be knitted into something wonderful for someone wonderful. It's not the candy and goodies that everyone associates with the Christmas season.
It IS about the savior that came to bring hope and light to this dark world. His coming did not promise an easy road, but hope at the end of it, a promise of a heavenly home with him at the end of our journey. This season is a celebration of this baby's coming, Jesus birth brought about a change in history like no other!
I have often thought about how Mary must have felt. Did she truly grasp the weight of her roll in history? Did she truly understand that this little baby would change the world? I've been blessed to have given birth to four children. Looking back, when I looked into that new little face after they were born, I could not even fathom how their lives would be, how they would grow and mature. I like to think that Mary KNEW that this baby would change the world.
Having a baby changes your life, having a baby that you know will grow up to be the savior of the world would be an incredibly overwhelming feeling, I think. Don't you? Perhaps she really didn't understand the whole extent of her roll in this little baby's life. I don't know, but that is one of many questions I can't wait to ask when I get to heaven. :)
Merry Christmas and remember to celebrate the true meaning of the season!