Anthony May 2010 |
Nearly 22 years ago, I gave birth to our first baby boy. While at
times it seems like just yesterday, in other moments I can hardly
remember what it felt like to not be mama to someone. Being mama to my
kids is all I really ever wanted to do, and my kids are my heart, my
life. I would move heaven and earth for my kids....if that is even
possible. Trust me, a mama's heart can do amazing things. :)
Bags packed...ready to go. |
Very soon, our oldest boy will be leaving us to serve his
country far from home. Being the mom of a Marine, I knew this time would
eventually come. I knew it would be hard, I knew it would require much
faith and trust in our Loving Heavenly Father. I knew that my heart
would break at the very thought of my baby being so far from home, so
far away from the family that loves and cherishes him and his heart!
the moment a mama finds out she is caring a little life, her whole
being (at least mine did) goes into protection mode. You do all that you
can to protect, nurture and love that little life that God has blessed
you with. I've asked myself MANY times over, how do I "do this"...being
mama to a Marine? He will be SO far from home, SO far from the
protection of his family, SO far from the watchful eyes of his mama.
Then I remember that someone else loves him more, someone else has had
his heart held securely in HIS capable hands from the very beginning.
Jesus loves my son more than I ever could, and I have to lean on that.
Fox Company, MCRD San Diego 2010 |
hours have been spent in prayer for my son's protection. Many times
over I have handed my fear and worry over to the Lord to let him carry
that burden for me. While it's not easy to picture so many miles between
me and my son, my heart, I have to remind myself that God is bigger
than any of my fears. God has Anthony held securely in His hands.
ANYTHING that comes my son's way, anything that touches his life, his
heart, his mind is first filtered through the hands of God. A loving God
that has Anthony's VERY best at hand.

A friend of
mine asked me recently how I "do it", having a child serving in such a
dangerous place. My only answer was that I have to take it moment by
moment, and continue to give it over to the Lord. I have to remember
that God loves my son more than I could ever dream. I also spend a great
deal of time praying for our God to go before, behind, beside, under
and over Anthony and the men he serves with. You see, it's not just my
son who goes to serve and fight, it's other sons, daughters, fathers,
brothers, sisters, grandsons, husbands and wives. We want to see them
ALL come home, whole.
Our handsome Marine! |
I would like to ask you all to
pray. Not just for my son, but for the hearts of all of those
that are serving. This world is a scary place at times. Our military
personnel are serving, putting their lives on the line for this thing we
call Freedom! While I HATE the idea of my son being in harms way, I
KNOW that he must go. I know that Freedom does NOT come cheap. It comes
at a great cost and I am extremely proud of my son. Proud of the man he
has become, willing to go and serve. My heart breaks because it's a big
scary world out there....but my God is bigger and has already won!
We had a cake made at a local bakery for Anthony's going away party...they did an AWESOME JOB!! |
Anthony is center back in this photo...taken at his graduation at MCRD San Diego 2010 |
leaves for training very soon. After his training is completed, he will be serving in Afghanistan. Our son will be gone for nearly a year, and your
prayers are SO much appreciated. Not only for Anthony, but for his dear
girlfriend that waits here for him. She is as much a part of all of this
as he is, and we are SO proud of her and her love and support our baby
boy, this mama's heart. She is part of our family, and we love her like
she was born to us...our second girl. :)
Rachael's sister took this picture, I LOVE it and the two in it. |
A couple of
weeks ago, we had a family send off for Anthony. It was a great time and
I hope it blessed Anthony! I managed to pull the "military mama" card
and made everyone stand for a picture. It's the first time we got
everyone in one picture and it was such a special time for me. I really
wanted to get a group shot of us all. My husband's family (all but one nephew who couldn't come...he was missed) and my parents were here. It was no easy task to get
everyone in the picture, but we did it and I think it turned out great!
:) At least we are all looking in the general direction of the camera.
Our family....such a good looking bunch! Love them all! |