How time flies! Today, 21 years ago, I gave birth to my first baby. He was an 8# 13 oz bundle of questions and animation. There has never been a dull moment with this one and for that we are truly thankful. He has kept us guessing, made us laugh, made us cry, made us ever proud and drove us nuts at times. :) Anthony has always been inquisitive, asked questions until we thought we'd go crazy....we were ever so thankful when this boy learned to read, we could direct him to a book and say "read about it". I don't think he appreciated that much, but he learned to look for answers to his many questions.
See..never a dull moment! Last day of high school. |
While things have not always been perfect in our lives and in our relationship, he is such a joy, such a blessing! Anthony has an amazing heart, he loves, works and plays with every part of his being. Much like his mama. :)
Anthony and his dad at his boot camp graduation in San Diego. Trying to keep a strait face was proving handsome guys! Love them! |
This boy has challenged me beyond anything I ever expected as a parent, he has stretched me, we have grown up together. He was born just shy of my 20th birthday, so young to have a baby, but it was my dream come true to be married to the man of my dreams and be a mama.
What a smile....taken at a Portland Beaver's baseball game. |
I don't regret starting our family at such a young age, but I often wish I could go back and talk to that young girl and tell her some of what I know now. I know there are many things I could have told her...but not so sure she would have heard it all, or received it. Guess that's why we live and learn, grow with each passing experience in life.
Anthony's graduation |
Being a mom has been my lifelong dream, having my kids has been a continual blessing! Can't wait to see what they all become in their lives. Where the Lord will lead He will use them!
Being the mama to an adult child is such a different world. He's working and trying to support himself, learning what it takes to be a man in this crazy world. Mistakes are made and learning the hard way often happens, but it's exciting to see him grow more with each passing week.
Our Marine! So proud of him..isn't he handsome in his uniform? :) |
Watching your adult son fall in love and find himself thinking about someone other than just himself is another blessing as a mama! Anthony has been dating a lovely girl for over a year now and we have grown to love her like she is one of our own. She's so good for our boy...often keeping him a bit more grounded than he would be otherwise. :) It's been amazing getting to know her and seeing how she fits into this crazy group of people we call our family. We all think that he has made a very good choice in Rachael!
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This is Anthony with his girl, Rachael. Her sister took this amazing photo of them and shared it with me (thank you Jen). I think they make a beautiful them both! |
Happy birthday to our oldest boy! You are an amazing young man with amazing can do and be ANYTHING in this life! We love very much and we are SO proud of all that you have become. Keep asking questions, keep learning, keep growing! It's a process that never stops in this life. We love you!
What a sweet post to your son. It is so wonderful to watch them grow isn't it~
You are one proud Mama as you should be :-)
My oldest is 21 as well and indeed it is different to be the mama to an adult child - mine has just moved out and is living on his own (I'm still waiting for the lovely young woman to come into his life - hahaha). I had just said to my husband that I wish I knew then what I now know about parenting!! I'm so thankful for God's grace to cover my mistakes!!!
It is so fun to see a picture of you!!! And what great pictures of your son!! Won't it be exciting to see what the future brings for our big boys?!!!
Cinnamon...yes it is wonderful to watch them grow, a bit sad at times too. :) Seems like just yesterday he was standing at the screen door waiting for his daddy to come home, barely able to see over the top of edge of the metal kick plate.
Christine...I've had other pictures of me on my blog, well, there's one on the top right hand corner, anyway. :) That one is not a very good one of either Wade or me, but it's a proud moment. :) I am also thankful for God's grace, ever so thankful!
Crazy, this being a mom to big boys, isn't it? Neat post:)
What a lovely tribute to your son. It gives me great hope for my active little boy. Hugs, Jackie
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